Improve a new and awareful “Artist’s Ethical Manifesto”, looking at a real respect for environment and everyone and starting from material’s origin and the impact on future.
Quoting the Industrial Painting Manifesto of 1959, written by Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio:
“… in contact with humble things, which nature in its wisdom has kept as a control over the immense arrogance of the human mind.”
And again “What our art means” from 1986, by Gilbert and George, first paragraph “Art for All”: “We want our art to speak through the barriers of knowledge directly to people about their life and not about their knowledge of art. (..) We want to learn to respect and honor “the whole”. The content of humanity is our subject and our inspiration. We are present every day for the good traditions and the necessary changes. “
I want to read and reread, analyze, absorb, elaborate and transform Marina Abramović’s Manifesto of the Artist.