Most of what allows us to know our personal truth is the creative power, and it’s within each of us, indiscriminately. What we need is to know the way that leads us back with this inner force.
Creative power can be stepped up by effort. With enough creative effort, each of us could find the way to smooth out rocky roads.
Anyone who chooses to look beyond and cross the threshold of his own knowledge is potentially an artist because he is endowed with creative power, a power that he must only learn how to use. What leads to desist is not the reason, but the thought that it is “impossible”: limiting beliefs. The power of creation is unlimited but the confidence we place in our abilities is not. This is the real obstacle that prevents you from achieving realization.
The artist is the one who craves, who chooses, who tears the veils of illusion by looking into his own interior, into happiness and unhappiness, into truth and lies, because he wishes to discover and shed light. And he wants to know his own inner dimension in order to know the messages, tools and meaning it offers. By choosing creativity, the soul accesses an imaginative and, at the same time, real dimension where images do not act for pleasure but for expressive necessity.
We are beset on a daily basis by conditioning, ideologies and dogmas, and their constant presence is devastating for freedom of identity and freedom of expression. The rational and the irrational oppose each other, pulling us in opposite directions. The conflict is fueled by everyday life itself.
Accessing one’s creative power, crossing the threshold and freeing one’s creativity is a path of daily change in which to observe tensions, conflicts and fears but also joys and pleasures. It is a path in which opposites, no longer separate but in contact with each other, have the opportunity to reveal their nature.
Sitting on the threshold and observing, that what allows you to experience polarities without being a victim of their unconditional attraction, to be an exclusive witness and dismantle a pre-established dimension, preserving intuitions and the deepest truths to discover how everyday life is not as absolute as it appears and the immaterial is not entirely impossible for our lives.
Our art therefore grows in proportion to our awareness. Each work is a fragment of us and all fragments together compose the story of our inner life and, like a mirror, it reflects our personality. It’s our uniqueness.